Thursday, April 30, 2009

All Things Work Together For Good

This is an interesting verse:

Rom 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose.

We as Christians are often comforted by the verse, because it gives us hope and meaning to our lives. One thing I think we tend to maybe think in our minds is that ALL things work together for OUR good.

Actually it is not for our Good at all.

The Old English writers used the vernacular of Justice as the "Common Good." "You must do thus and such for the Common Good." The common-good is a system of culture and this is the sense here but on God's level, meaning "The Righteous of God."

What Is the Ultimate Goal Of God?

The ultimate goal of God is to have Righteousness throughout the earth. So the "All things work together for (righteousness) good." is actually what is meant.

So when we are, like Job, pelted with darts for the Kingdom of God we should take comfort as the Psalmist and all the greats in History, that this trial of affliction is for the building of Gods Kingdom.

In that light Christ's words of "Blessed are they that are persecuted for my names sake, for their's is the Kingdom of God" makes more sense.

Compare Those Who Were Afflicted...

Compare those who were afflicted and persecuted for the Kingdom and you will see their lasting impact on Civilization as we know it today. The axiom of "before honor comes humility" rings true in the halls of history.

A few examples are:

Ambrose of Milan: He stood up against the emperor of his day and established seperation of Powers, vital for the wellbeing of the church. The basis for constitutional seperation of powers and rights sprung from this conflict.

Martin Luther: Stood up against the mightiest king in the empire, and could have lost his life. He went into hiding for a couple of years to get away from the persecuting hand of the emperor. His work brought the Reformation, which brought the Technological impetus to our culture. Work ethic sprang out of Christianity, namely the Puritan Reformation. A good work ethic brings wealth.

John Elliot: Wrote the petition of Right, which is foundational to our constitutional rights. Rights are vital for Justice. Justice is necessary for Free Trade and wealth accumulation. No Justice, No Wealth. John Elliot DIED in the tower for his stand on rights against the Tyrannical King of England.

We feel these Kingdom Building works in our lives today. They may have not felt like they were doing much. They may have felt like they were bungling it. But I am sure they took heart when they realized that God is not the God of foolishness but of power and strength.

So in essence what Christ is saying "God uses the weak things of the world to confound the wise."

Take Heart...

In our lives today, we should take heart, that what we do is being used to build the great kingdom of God ON EARTH (as it is already done in heaven: Lord's prayer.)

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